
8' Principal 61 Pipes
8' Bourdon 61 Pipes
4' Octave 61 Pipes
4' Rohrflöte 61 Pipes
2' Super Octave 61 Pipes
IV Fourniture 244 Pipes
8' Trumpet 61 Pipes
8' Gedeckt 61 Pipes
4' Principal 61 Pipes
4' Koppelflöte 61 Pipes
2' Principal 61 Pipes
II Sesquialtera 122 Pipes
IV Scharf 244 Pipes
8' Krummhorn 61 Pipes
16' Lieblich Gedeckt 12 Pipes
8' Rohrflöte 61 Pipes
8' Gamba 61 Pipes
8' Gamba Céleste T.C. 49 Pipes
4' Geigen Principal 61 Pipes
4' Hohlflöte 61 Pipes
2 2/3' Nasard 61 Pipes
2' Flageolet 61 Pipes
1 3/5' Tierce 61 Pipes
III Plein Jeu 183 Pipes
16' Bassoon 12 Pipes
8' Fagot 61 Pipes
4' Schalmei 61 Pipes
32' Resultant 32 Notes
16' Principal 32 Pipes
16' Bourdon 12 Pipes
16' Lieblich Gedeckt 32 Notes (Swell)
8' Principal 32 Pipes
8' Bourdon 32 Pipes
4' Choral Bass 32 Pipes
4' Bourdon 12 Pipes
IV Mixture 128 Pipes
16' Trumpet 12 Pipes
8' Trumpet 32 Pipes
4' Trumpet 32 Pipes

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Levsen Organ Company  ·  PO Box 542 Buffalo, Iowa  52728  ·  (800) 397-1242  ·  FAX (563) 381-1257  ·